Liquid Voting

a blockchain based voting/decision making smart contract


Corruption exist because of concentrating of power. Our solution brings that power to the masses. This is brought by the power of decentralization on top of a tamper proof public blockchain.

How it relates to Corruption

The real impact is when we use the platform for day to day decision making in governmental activities.

This will,

  1. Improve Transparency in Voting
  2. Reduce security risk
  3. Reduce cost of running an election
  4. Act as a platform to vote on decisions.

How much are we talking about?

India’s 2014 Election Cost Rs 3,500 crore

Per voter expenditure is Rs 17

How our platform helps

  1. Built on top of Blockchain
  2. Elections are secured by Smart Contracts
  3. Cost of infrastructure will be very less (~0.5%)

Thank you

Liquid Voting is a blockchain based voting/decision making platform made for hack4people Hackathon by team Lightrains. niksmac, kp666 and sibizulu